2007年11月10日 星期六

絕響人聲 - Radka Toneff - The moon is a harsh mistress.

話說會認識Radka Toneff的聲音,一切都是為了去試聽PMC GB1這對喇叭開始,一年多前為了屈就電視櫃的小空間而必須只能挑小的落地喇叭,找了一陣子只對GB1有興趣,但礙於預算有限,還沒聽過聲音之前遲遲不敢下手,於是一次回高雄的時候繞去"南方",聽完低頻的示範後,已經開始動心了,接著老闆又問我常聽哪類音樂啊,我想了一下回說人聲,黃老闆二話不說就掏出Radka Toneff的Fairy Tales,要我坐好後就放了第一軌"The moon is a harsh mistress"...


後來我在Yahoo上找到二手的GB1,也快快樂樂地從潮州運上台北,但是"她"的歌聲卻讓我無法忘懷,雖然網路上找到屏東有唱片行(樂音唱片行)在賣,尋尋覓覓後發現台北也有店家賣(駱克Joy Audio),當然要入手一張啦!

話又說回來,同張專輯其它首歌都沒有The moon is a harsh mistress這首讓人印象深刻,所以如果有興趣要買來聽的,可以找找她的精選集"Some Time Ago:A Collection Of Her Finest Moments"(專輯封面如下圖),第12軌就是The moon is a harsh mistress,是Universal Music Norway2003年出的,不好找喔...(我最近竟然是在信義計畫區新光三越A9B2的FNAC尋獲,買來送好友的)

The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress Lyrics (written by Jimmy Webb)
See her how she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold

Once the sun did shine
And lord it felt so fine
The moon a phantom rose
Through the mountains and the pine
And then the darkness fell
The moon's a harsh mistress
It's hard to love her well

I fell out of her eyes
I fell out of her heart
I fell down on my face, yes I did
And I tripped and I missed my star
And I fell and fell alone
The moon's a harsh mistress
The sky is made of stone

The moon's a harsh mistress
She's hard to call your own

ps2.ㄟ~我終究還是開始寫些關於音樂了 (畢竟聽了這麼多CDs,e-mail address還取用"cdplayer",發發這些方面的牢騷,也是應該的吧!)

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Pan!
喜歡程度和"when I dream"差不多

Pan 提到...
